I know lots of people prefer Instagram these days but the reason I don't use it is because you can't add links in the post for each event, they only let you have the one link in bio.
"Free in DC" Free and low-cost things to do in DC!
Free in DC is an arts, culture, and consciousness resource dedicated to all the cool, free, low-cost things to do in Washington, DC… proving you don't need to spend a lot to live a rich life in this town! See DC through the eyes of a local who lives in the city and is plugged into the scene. All events are free, donation-based, or $10 or less and accessible by Metro or bus in VA, MD or DC.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Please go to twitter @FreeinDCBlog to find more events happening online and in person!
Things are happening again in person, and online. Check out @FreeinDCBlog, it's where I'm posting now. Select events will have posts here on the main website but you can find more on twitter! Not on twitter? No worries, you don't need an account to see the content I share there.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Friday, March 13, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
UPCOMING: HIGHLIGHTS: This Week! Find more Free and low-cost events listed every day on @FreeinDCBlog on twitter - and if you don't use twitter, no worries, you don't need an account to see the page

I tweet most every day, focusing on events happening that day, and some other events coming soon or ones that you might not find on the main site or on facebook. Also, if you aren't a twitter user you can just look at the page without needing to sign up for an account!
Monday, January 21, 2019
UPCOMING & ONGOING: YOGA & MEDITATION: More Free & Low-Cost Yoga & Meditation Classes at Yoga Studios in DC and Metro VA & MD!
Below is a list of some of the more popular centers and studios that offer free, donation-based, and reduced price yoga and meditation lasses as part of their weekly schedules.
If you know of any other studios or places where you can find yoga classes that are free, by donation or $10 or less, feel free to email me over gmail at freeindcblog, or send me a tweet @FreeinDCBlog.
Recommended! Select Days, Times and Locations in DC
Did you know that DC Public Libraries often host Free Yoga Classes, and Meditation Classes?
You can search their calendar by the keyword yoga here or meditation here.
You can search their calendar by the keyword yoga here or meditation here.
Organized alphabetically by Studio/ Venue Name. Please message me to let me know if there are any changes to note in this list.
Saturday lunchtime & Sunday evenings
Circle Yoga - Friendship Heights/ Chevy Chase
Donation-Based Community Class on Saturdays 12:30pm - 1:30pm (except during session breaks). Suggested $5 minimum donation. "These “all levels” classes are typically yoga classes, though we sometimes offer Pilates, Feldenkrais, or other types of community classes. Check the community class schedule for details." Sunday Community Class 5:30pm - 6:30pm Suggested donation $5+ "These "all levels" classes are taught by graduates of the 200-hr Circle Yoga Teacher Training. Join us to help these new teachers practice and enhance their teaching skills." View the full schedule of free community classes. Located near Friendship Heights metro and Chevy Chase Circle, about 13 min walk from metro (map),
Circle Yoga - Friendship Heights/ Chevy Chase
Donation-Based Community Class on Saturdays 12:30pm - 1:30pm (except during session breaks). Suggested $5 minimum donation. "These “all levels” classes are typically yoga classes, though we sometimes offer Pilates, Feldenkrais, or other types of community classes. Check the community class schedule for details." Sunday Community Class 5:30pm - 6:30pm Suggested donation $5+ "These "all levels" classes are taught by graduates of the 200-hr Circle Yoga Teacher Training. Join us to help these new teachers practice and enhance their teaching skills." View the full schedule of free community classes. Located near Friendship Heights metro and Chevy Chase Circle, about 13 min walk from metro (map),
Friday late afternoon
Down Dog Yoga - Georgetown
One hour Community Class "Flow for $5" heated class Fridays at 4:30pm "An all levels Baptiste Power Vinyasa class taught by a newer teacher. These classes are just $5 and are rich in energy and camaraderie! This class is a great way to experience the strong community spirit at our studios. The room will be heated to 95* and you will be sure to sweat!"
Down Dog Yoga - Georgetown
One hour Community Class "Flow for $5" heated class Fridays at 4:30pm "An all levels Baptiste Power Vinyasa class taught by a newer teacher. These classes are just $5 and are rich in energy and camaraderie! This class is a great way to experience the strong community spirit at our studios. The room will be heated to 95* and you will be sure to sweat!"
Select classes $10
Studio Serenity and Studio DC - locations in Adams Morgan and Dupont Circle
$10 community yoga classes
From their website: "Our studio has a strong commitment to making yoga accessible to everyone in our community, regardless of income. We are offering $10 community yoga classes every day of the week. Check out our class schedule to see which classes are only $10. These reduced $10 classes can only be purchased at the studio. Note: Passes not available online, only in person. Only valid for classes listed online as $10 class. " They also hold NAMASTE DAY - free classes all day. One day out of the month, the studio offers the community an opportunity to enjoy the invigorating, One day out of the month, the studio offers the community an opportunity to enjoy the invigorating, challenging, joyful, sweaty, and celebratory yoga classes we have to offer....for FREE. Members and pass holders can guarantee their spot by signing up in advance. Classes will fill up on a first come, first serve basis, so show up early." The Studio DC in Dupont Circle: 1710 Connecticut Ave NW and Adams Morgan: 2469 18th St NW
Tranquil Space - Update from April 24, 2018: The Dupont Circle location has $10 community classes Wednesday night at 8:00pm and Friday night at 7:00pm. Arlington location does not have any at the moment, though they tell me they are working on it!
Friday night in Bethesda, MD
Unity Woods - Bethesda, MD location only. $10 drop-in Community Class on Fridays, 6:00pm - 7:00pm. This class may be followed by a free chanting class, Soul-Soothing Chanting, from 7:10pm - 7:40pm. See schedule and find more info here.
$10 community yoga classes
From their website: "Our studio has a strong commitment to making yoga accessible to everyone in our community, regardless of income. We are offering $10 community yoga classes every day of the week. Check out our class schedule to see which classes are only $10. These reduced $10 classes can only be purchased at the studio. Note: Passes not available online, only in person. Only valid for classes listed online as $10 class. " They also hold NAMASTE DAY - free classes all day. One day out of the month, the studio offers the community an opportunity to enjoy the invigorating, One day out of the month, the studio offers the community an opportunity to enjoy the invigorating, challenging, joyful, sweaty, and celebratory yoga classes we have to offer....for FREE. Members and pass holders can guarantee their spot by signing up in advance. Classes will fill up on a first come, first serve basis, so show up early." The Studio DC in Dupont Circle: 1710 Connecticut Ave NW and Adams Morgan: 2469 18th St NW
Tranquil Space - Update from April 24, 2018: The Dupont Circle location has $10 community classes Wednesday night at 8:00pm and Friday night at 7:00pm. Arlington location does not have any at the moment, though they tell me they are working on it!
Near Dupont Circle Metro 17th St location 1632-34 17th Street NW (202) 328-9642
Near Virginia Sq Metro 3528 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA (703) 829-6428
Friday night in Bethesda, MD
Unity Woods - Bethesda, MD location only. $10 drop-in Community Class on Fridays, 6:00pm - 7:00pm. This class may be followed by a free chanting class, Soul-Soothing Chanting, from 7:10pm - 7:40pm. See schedule and find more info here.
Throughout the Week at various locations in DC
Yoga District offers lots of donation based Meditation & Yoga Classes (most on Sundays)
Meditation Classes

Monday night
Circle Yoga - Friendship Heights/ Chevy Chase
Mindfulness Meditation Mondays every Monday from 7:00pm - 8:30pm with The Opening Heart Mindfulness Community. "On Mondays, join us for sitting and walking meditation and a facilitated discussion. Introduction for newcomers is on the first Monday of each month starting at 6:15 pm. Wednesday 6:30-7:30 am and Friday sessions 12:00-1:00pm include sitting and walking meditation, but there is no facilitated discussion." Located near Friendship Heights metro and Chevy Chase Circle, about 13 min walk from metro (map),
Select Days, Times and Locations in DC
DC Public Libraries host free Meditation workshops on occasion, you can search their calendar here
Throughout the Week at various locations in DC
Yoga District offers lots of donation based Meditation & Yoga Classes (most on Sundays)
Meditation Museum in Silver Spring, MD and the Meditation Museum II in McLean, VA
Yoga District offers lots of donation based Meditation & Yoga Classes (most on Sundays)
Meditation Museum in Silver Spring, MD and the Meditation Museum II in McLean, VA
Want to learn more about how to Meditate? Join the Meditation Museum every Saturday. Free Intro to #Meditation Workshops from 11:00am - 12:00pm in Maryland 9525 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring, MD, walking distance from the Forest Glen Metro, and in Virginia from 9:30am-10:30am and 2pm-3pm at 1984 Chain Bridge Rd. McLean, VA, walking distance from the Greensboro Metro. RSVP for either location on their website, just click on the calendar for the list of classes.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
ON VIEW: Here is a great list of Free, donation-based and low-cost things you can do "Off The Mall"
Explore DC "Off The Mall" Here are some ideas! Lots of Free, discount and low-cost venues!
Note: Last updated December 2015 - will update soon, just reposting now with the Smithsonian museums closed with the Government Shutdown
Did you know? Free in DC has it's own CultureCapital Inside-Out page on CultureCapital listing free events and exhibitions on view!
If you've never been to or heard of the Pepco Gallery in Chinatown, Joan Hisaoko Healing Arts Gallery on U St, Honfleur Gallery in Anacostia and the Meditation Museum in Silver Spring, you might want to check them out as well.
Museums and other places "Off The Mall"
The Phillips Collection
Did you know that they Phillips is by donation during the week? Permanent collection only. Click link above for detailed post on Free in DC.
1600 21st St NW
Metro: Dupont Circle, Q St north exit
National Museum of Women in the Arts
General Admission $10, Members/Students/65+ $8, Free for those 18 and under
1250 New York Ave NW
Metro: Metro Center or take any of the S buses along 16th St that run to 13th & NY Ave.
The Mansion on O Street
DC's most unusual and quirky museum if you ask me! Great for all ages.
The basic "Self-Guided/Gift Shopping/Book Tour"
$8 donation/person
Create your own adventure when you explore the museum and its collection of more than 20,000 books and other donated items on your own. Search through 100 rooms and 32 secret doors for new titles, rare volumes, or your all time favorites! Get 2 free books of similar value for every 10 you purchase. Most titles are priced $5 or less. 10% discount off other items (antiques excluded).
The Corcoran Gallery of Art
Note: Last updated December 2015 - will update soon, just reposting now with the Smithsonian museums closed with the Government Shutdown
Did you know? Free in DC has it's own CultureCapital Inside-Out page on CultureCapital listing free events and exhibitions on view!
If you've never been to or heard of the Pepco Gallery in Chinatown, Joan Hisaoko Healing Arts Gallery on U St, Honfleur Gallery in Anacostia and the Meditation Museum in Silver Spring, you might want to check them out as well.
Museums and other places "Off The Mall"
The National Building Museum
Free if you just want to hang out in the space, $8 - $5 if you want to see any of the exhibits on view. The building itself is a beautiful space, huge ceilings, cafe, and one of DC's best gift shops.
Free if you just want to hang out in the space, $8 - $5 if you want to see any of the exhibits on view. The building itself is a beautiful space, huge ceilings, cafe, and one of DC's best gift shops.
401 F St NW
Metro: Judiciary Sq
National Geographic Museum
Admission to this museum varies, lots of the exhibits are free in general
those with kids might enjoy the Meerkats 3-D film currently screening, $7
1145 17th St NW - two buildings, other one has an entrance on M St
1145 17th St NW - two buildings, other one has an entrance on M St
Metro: Dupont Circle, south or Farragut North, L St exit, easiest access is by bus, take any of the S line buses along 16th St to M St or the 42 bus to M St
The Wilderness Society - Ansel Adams Gallery
On view Monday - Friday during the day, Free
Photographer Ansel Adams was a Wilderness Society council member and supported the organization for more than four decades. Throughout his career, he photographed dozens of iconic portraits of wildlands, such as Alaska’s Denali and California’s Yosemite. Before his death in 1984, Adams gave 75 signed, original images to The Wilderness Society. Since that time the collection has grown to a total of 88 landscape photographs and one portrait of Adams by photographer Arnold Newman. Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00am - 4:00pm, Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm. Closed, weekends and federal holidays.
On view Monday - Friday during the day, Free
Photographer Ansel Adams was a Wilderness Society council member and supported the organization for more than four decades. Throughout his career, he photographed dozens of iconic portraits of wildlands, such as Alaska’s Denali and California’s Yosemite. Before his death in 1984, Adams gave 75 signed, original images to The Wilderness Society. Since that time the collection has grown to a total of 88 landscape photographs and one portrait of Adams by photographer Arnold Newman. Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00am - 4:00pm, Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm. Closed, weekends and federal holidays.
1615 M St NW, in the Sumner School building
Metro: Dupont Circle, south or Farragut North, L St exit, easiest access is by bus, take any of the S line buses along 16th St to M St or the 42 bus to M St
The Phillips Collection
Did you know that they Phillips is by donation during the week? Permanent collection only. Click link above for detailed post on Free in DC.
1600 21st St NW
Metro: Dupont Circle, Q St north exit
National Museum of Women in the Arts
General Admission $10, Members/Students/65+ $8, Free for those 18 and under
1250 New York Ave NW
Metro: Metro Center or take any of the S buses along 16th St that run to 13th & NY Ave.
DC's most unusual and quirky museum if you ask me! Great for all ages.
The basic "Self-Guided/Gift Shopping/Book Tour"
$8 donation/person
Create your own adventure when you explore the museum and its collection of more than 20,000 books and other donated items on your own. Search through 100 rooms and 32 secret doors for new titles, rare volumes, or your all time favorites! Get 2 free books of similar value for every 10 you purchase. Most titles are priced $5 or less. 10% discount off other items (antiques excluded).
2020 O St NW
Metro: Dupont Circle, south exit, walk down O Street, between 20th and 21st
Metro: Dupont Circle, south exit, walk down O Street, between 20th and 21st
The Corcoran Gallery of Art
$10, Seniors 62+ Students with valid ID $8, Free for12 and under, Members and Military Active Duty. They also have a side gallery called Gallery 31 that is free during museum hours
500 17th St NW
Metro: Farragut North or Farragut West and walk down 17th St toward E St about ten minutes or so
Museums listed below are part of the Dupont - Kalorama Museums Consortium
P.S. Looking to get out of the house? Here is a list of Coffee Shops and Cafes with Free Wi-Fi!
Metro: Farragut North or Farragut West and walk down 17th St toward E St about ten minutes or so
Museums listed below are part of the Dupont - Kalorama Museums Consortium
click through for hours and admission details - see map
- Anderson House – Society of the Cincinnati
- Dumbarton House
- Heurich House Museum
- Mary McLeod Bethune Council House
- The National Museum of American Jewish Military History
- The Phillips Collection, see note above
- Woodrow Wilson House
P.S. Looking to get out of the house? Here is a list of Coffee Shops and Cafes with Free Wi-Fi!
Also, Great list of Free, donation-based and low-cost Yoga and Meditation Classes! If you know of others, or if anything on this post is out of date, email me to let me know
Thursday, September 1, 2016
OF NOTE: WIFI: Here's a list of Where to get Free Wi-Fi! Go online at Coffeeshops, Cafes, Museums, Libraries, Parks, Bars and Restaurants, Places to get Free Wireless Internet in DC, MD and VA

Updated December 29, 2015. Here is a list of coffee shops and other spots with free wireless internet in DC, and parts of VA and MD. I am sure there are more I haven't listed yet... Please add any additional locations in DC or next to a metro in MD or VA along with the address, area, and link if you have it in the comment section and I will add it to the list! If you know of any changes, please let me know of those as well. You can comment tweet me @FreeinDCBlog or message me on Free in DC's facebook page or send an email to freeindcblog@gmail.com if you have any updates to this list (new places or places listed here that may be closed, etc...) Thanks!
My personal favorite independent coffee shops to work from, listed alphabetically: Blind Dog Cafe, Bourbon, Chinatown Coffee, Coffy Cafe, Filter, Flying Fish, Pleasant Pops, Tryst, Tynan and Vigalante. All are self serve except for Tryst which has waiter service.
INDEPENDENT COFFEE SHOPS & CAFES (without waiter service)
For ease of use, this list is organized alphabetically by neighborhood, and rest is alphabetical too.
The Potter's House
Now Renovated! "Cafe, Bookstore, and Community Space - Rooted in Adams Morgan Since 1960"
1658 Columbia Rd NW
between 16th & 17th St NW
beautiful space, light food available, variety of coffee drinks
INDEPENDENT COFFEE SHOPS & CAFES (without waiter service)
For ease of use, this list is organized alphabetically by neighborhood, and rest is alphabetical too.
The Potter's House
Now Renovated! "Cafe, Bookstore, and Community Space - Rooted in Adams Morgan Since 1960"
1658 Columbia Rd NW
between 16th & 17th St NW
beautiful space, light food available, variety of coffee drinks
Monday - Friday | 7am - 9pm Saturday | 8am - 10pm Sunday | 8am-6pm
Pleasant Pops
delicious veggie sandwiches, soups, salads, a great section of local foods and really good espresso drinks from Ceremony Coffee
1781 Florida Ave NW
near the intersection of 18th & Florida Ave, by Mint Gym
at the bottom of Adams Morgan, north of Dupont
Sugar Daddy's
2006 18th St NW
bakery near Florida Ave
at the bottom of Adams Morgan, north of Dupont
Pleasant Pops
delicious veggie sandwiches, soups, salads, a great section of local foods and really good espresso drinks from Ceremony Coffee
1781 Florida Ave NW
near the intersection of 18th & Florida Ave, by Mint Gym
at the bottom of Adams Morgan, north of Dupont
2006 18th St NW
bakery near Florida Ave
at the bottom of Adams Morgan, north of Dupont
Big Bear Cafe
Note - they have a cute outdoor area
really delicious coffee drinks, cute spot
1st & R St NW
nearest metro is NoMa, closest by bus
Note - they have a cute outdoor area
really delicious coffee drinks, cute spot
1st & R St NW
nearest metro is NoMa, closest by bus
Chinatown Coffee Company
Bakers & Baristas
standard benches and chairs, delicious espresso
if you're looking for cushy sofas, not your spot
now serving beer, wine and absinthe!
now serving beer, wine and absinthe!
501 Seventh St NW
click link to read more about the venue
Coffy Cafe
At Park Rd, across from the Tivoli large community space, retro vibe.
Large space with a small upper level, yummy coffee and espresso from Ceremony coffee, and crepes
3310 14th St NW
At Park Rd, across from the Tivoli large community space, retro vibe.
Large space with a small upper level, yummy coffee and espresso from Ceremony coffee, and crepes
3310 14th St NW
*vegan food only* good for gluten free too
Note: they do not offer cream for your coffee
Note: they do not offer cream for your coffee
pink glittery furniture with old school diner vibe
Note: I heard that they turn off their wifi on Saturdays
Note: I heard that they turn off their wifi on Saturdays
so check first if you go on a weekend
1370 Park Rd, NW
Dolcezza - New location with late night hours!
at the corner of
14th & P St NW
Monday - Thursday: 7am-11pm Friday 7am-12am
Saturday 8am-12am Sunday 8am - 11pm
They also have a location in Dupont Circle
Metro: best reached by the Circulator bus, Woodley-McPherson route that also goes up 14th St and by the Columbia Heights Metro, right to 14th & RI Ave or P St, you can also take any bus along 14th St.
gelato and coffee bar, ritual coffee
some seating and community table
1704 Connecticut Ave, NW -near R St
Note: locations also in Bethesda and Georgetown
but not sure if they have wireless there
note - they also have a small outdoor area
nice place, good coffee, but super small
inside can be hard to find seating sometimes
1726 20th NW (between R & S)
note - they also have an outdoor area
some seating and community table
1704 Connecticut Ave, NW -near R St
Note: locations also in Bethesda and Georgetown
but not sure if they have wireless there
note - they also have a small outdoor area
nice place, good coffee, but super small
inside can be hard to find seating sometimes
1726 20th NW (between R & S)
note - they also have an outdoor area
one of DC's very first coffeeshops!
(didn't see website, reviews online) please
call for info 202- 463-7646
(didn't see website, reviews online) please
call for info 202- 463-7646
2150 P St NW
660 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Note: They have a small shop also on 14th St, near U, that does not offer wireless internet
Port City Java
701 North Carolina Ave. SE
Note: They have a small shop also on 14th St, near U, that does not offer wireless internet
Port City Java
701 North Carolina Ave. SE
Super comfy, nice decor! Great story/mission.
try the ice kaffe in summer - ice cream + espresso!
2101 L St NW
2101 L St NW
Baked and Wired
Cupcakes and coffee, the only indie coffee shop in the area.
Just past canal from M St between 30th & 31st St, K & M St
Just past canal from M St between 30th & 31st St, K & M St
at the corner of
14th & P St NW
Monday - Thursday: 7am-11pm Friday 7am-12am
Saturday 8am-12am Sunday 8am - 11pm
They also have a location in Dupont Circle
Metro: best reached by the Circulator bus, Woodley-McPherson route that also goes up 14th St and by the Columbia Heights Metro, right to 14th & RI Ave or P St, you can also take any bus along 14th St.
Kafe Bohem
Viennese-style coffeehouse, open until 5pm daily, attached to Bistro Bohem
600 Florida Ave NW
Compass Coffee
One of the newest places in DC, beans roast in house!
Interesting story behind this place too, learn more here.
Kafe Bohem
Viennese-style coffeehouse, open until 5pm daily, attached to Bistro Bohem
600 Florida Ave NW
Compass Coffee
One of the newest places in DC, beans roast in house!
Interesting story behind this place too, learn more here.
Daily form 7:00am - 8:00pm
1535 7th St NW - near Q St
Compass Coffee at The Shay
located inside The Shay building
located inside The Shay building
1921 8th St NW
The Wydown
Now on 14th St right next to the Trader Joe's
Mon - Fri 6am-10pm Sat & Sun 8am-10pm
1924 14th St NW
The Coffee Bar - TCB
1201 S St NW
they also have a large area for outside seating
Now on 14th St right next to the Trader Joe's
Mon - Fri 6am-10pm Sat & Sun 8am-10pm
1924 14th St NW
The Coffee Bar - TCB
1201 S St NW
they also have a large area for outside seating
2101 L St NW
(next door to Bourbon Coffee)
See their website for hours and more info.
Foggy Bottom/ K St Area
(next door to Bourbon Coffee)
See their website for hours and more info.
Foggy Bottom/ K St Area
INDEPENDENT CAFES & RESTAURANTS (with coffee, food, and waiter service)
Busboys & Poets - two locations in DC
locations throughout the city and in MD and VA!
Dupont, Downtown, Capitol Hill, and Ballston in VA
Harris Teeter - Citadelnow has a fancy coffee machine and wifi in their cafe
1631 Kalorama Rd - between 16h & 17th St
Adams Morgan/ 16th St
IHOP - Open 24 hours!
**This is the only free wireless spot I know of open 24 hours**
Irving &14th St, NW
Columbia Heights (not sure if the one in Ballston has internet)
Buffalo Billiards
1330 19th St NW
Dupont Circle
(waiter service only)
1025 5th St NW - 5th & K
Chinatown/ Mt Vernon Sq
2021 14th St NW - 14 & V
2021 14th St NW - 14 & V
U St Area
Open City
large outdoor seating area and semi-outdoor space
Sister restaurant to Tryst, good coffee drinks
large outdoor seating area and semi-outdoor space
Sister restaurant to Tryst, good coffee drinks
2331 Calvert St NW, close to Connecticut
Woodley Park
The Coupe
upscale diner, coffee shop and bar open late
owned by the same folks that own Tryst, Open City and The Diner
Sun - Thurs 6:00am - 12:00am
Fri - Sat 6:00am - 1:00am
3415 11th St NW
Columbia Heights
Farragut Square
The Coupe
upscale diner, coffee shop and bar open late
owned by the same folks that own Tryst, Open City and The Diner
Sun - Thurs 6:00am - 12:00am
Fri - Sat 6:00am - 1:00am
3415 11th St NW
Columbia Heights
(waiter service only)
Note: Wi-Fi turned off on weekends
great espresso drinks, good food
great espresso drinks, good food
2459 28th St NW
Adams Morgan
Farragut Square
17th St & I St
Yes, there is Free Wifi in the Park!
Select Golden Triangle Wireless
it will direct you to Golden Triangle BID site
which is also a great resource for local spots
Farragut West or North
Yes, there is Free Wifi in the Park!
Select Golden Triangle Wireless
it will direct you to Golden Triangle BID site
which is also a great resource for local spots
Farragut West or North
free wireless in courtyards and park areas, see map
Crystal City
Au Bon Pain
Peet's Coffee
13th & G - 601 13th St
Metro Center
15th & M - 1156 15th St
McPherson Sq
17th & L - 1101 17th St NW
Farragut North
1800 M St NW
Farragut North
Corner Bakery
Pret A Manger
11th and F 1155 F St NW
Au Bon Pain
Free wifi, locations all over the city
Metro Center, L St, Chinatown, etc...
Metro Center, L St, Chinatown, etc...
Peet's Coffee
13th & G - 601 13th St
Metro Center
15th & M - 1156 15th St
McPherson Sq
17th & L - 1101 17th St NW
Farragut North
1800 M St NW
Farragut North
Corner Bakery
locations throughout the city!
11th and F 1155 F St NW
Metro Center
14th and H 1399 New York Ave NW
McPherson Sq
15th and K 1432 K St NW
McPherson Sq
17th and K 1701 K St NW
Note: No WiFi at this one
Farragut North
19th and L 1828 L St NW
Farragut North
Union Station 50 Mass Ave NW
Union Station
14th and H 1399 New York Ave NW
McPherson Sq
15th and K 1432 K St NW
McPherson Sq
17th and K 1701 K St NW
Note: No WiFi at this one
Farragut North
18th and I 1825 Eye St NW
Farragut West19th and L 1828 L St NW
Farragut North
Union Station 50 Mass Ave NW
Union Station
Saxby's Coffee
Hours vary at each location
Georgetown, near University
3500 O St NW
Downtown, near K St
1000 Vermont Ave NW
Dupont Circle, South exit
1309 19th St NW
CHAINS in DC with locations also in MD & VA
Barnes and Noble
Hours vary at each location
Georgetown, near University
3500 O St NW
Downtown, near K St
1000 Vermont Ave NW
Dupont Circle, South exit
1309 19th St NW
CHAINS in DC with locations also in MD & VA
Barnes and Noble
Locations in MD and VA, all DC stores have closed unfortunately. Clarendon, Bethesda, Springfield and Rockville are close to metro I believe. Tysons Corner, Seven Corners and Potomac, car required.
locations throughout the city and in MD and VA!
Dupont, Downtown, Capitol Hill, and Ballston in VA
Harris Teeter - Citadelnow has a fancy coffee machine and wifi in their cafe
1631 Kalorama Rd - between 16h & 17th St
Adams Morgan/ 16th St
IHOP - Open 24 hours!
**This is the only free wireless spot I know of open 24 hours**
Irving &14th St, NW
Columbia Heights (not sure if the one in Ballston has internet)
New: Apparently, most all of the McDonalds in the area now have offer free wireless internet! To see which ones in the area have wi-fi and to learn more, please click here. You'll want to type in your zipcode and look for the ones with a green box on the far right.
1350 Connecticut Avenue
Dupont Circle
Irving at 14th St, NW
Irving at 14th St, NW
Columbia Heights
Wisconsin Ave, above the metro
H St NW between 6th and 7th
Panera also has locations by metro in MD & VA:
H St NW between 6th and 7th
Panera also has locations by metro in MD & VA:
just north on Colesville at Georgia
Silver Spring, MD
in the Ballston Commons Mall
Ballston, VA
many Safeway stores now have free wireless in their cafes so you should call first
some are run by Starbucks. I know for sure that these two have:
1100 4th St, SW
Waterfront Metro
5th & K St, NW
Gallery Place, Mt Vernon Sq, Circulator bus
Read their post about their new Free easy to use wi-fi
lots of locations all over the city
pizza and sandwich place, casual
multiple locations, see list online
Tenley has wifi, not sure if the others do, please call
4529 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Breadsoda *Late Night Spot*
beer, billiards, sandwiches, open late!
2233 Wisconsin Ave, NW
2233 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Glover Park (bus access from Tenleytown metro)
1330 19th St NW
Dupont Circle
821 Upsher St, NW
Georgia Ave - Petworth
Z Burger
4321 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Smithsonian American Art Museum & NPG
Kogod Courtyard + The Luce Foundation Center - 3rd Floor
Open 11:00am - 7:00pm
Two great spots to work from, Luce has a community table and places to plug in
8th & F St NW
4321 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Smithsonian American Art Museum & NPG
Kogod Courtyard + The Luce Foundation Center - 3rd Floor
Open 11:00am - 7:00pm
Two great spots to work from, Luce has a community table and places to plug in
8th & F St NW
Open 8:30am - 5:30pm
they have free wireless in cafe area
coffee and food is pricey if you are hungry
you may want to pack snacks or food
1000 Jefferson Drive, SW
Great quiet places to work throughout DC!
View the list of Library locations!
Great quiet places to work throughout DC!
MLK Library at 9th & G St, NW is open latest
I know that these are right near metro:
Tenleytown (new library! right by metro)
Shaw (new library! right by metro)
Cleveland Park (about a block or so from metro)
Artisphere *Late Night Spot*
open late! free wi-fi art space
Wed - Fri: 4:00pm - 11:00pm*
Sat: Noon - 11:00pm
Sun: Noon - 5:00pm
Mon - Tues: Closed
Open later pending programmed events
Wed - Fri: 4:00pm - 11:00pm*
Sat: Noon - 11:00pm
Sun: Noon - 5:00pm
Mon - Tues: Closed
Open later pending programmed events
really great coffee shop with cupcakes and other baked goods
I was thrilled to discover this one in Arlington! Try their 9:30 cupcake, it is so good!
really great coffee shop with cupcakes and other baked goods
I was thrilled to discover this one in Arlington! Try their 9:30 cupcake, it is so good!
818 N. Quincy - entrance is on Wilson Blvd, near sweetgreen
Ballston (walk to Wilson, turn left and go a few blocks)
Note: They also have a second location in Alexandria, VA but I haven't been there so not sure if it's accessible by metro or if they have wireless there
Note: They also have a second location in Alexandria, VA but I haven't been there so not sure if it's accessible by metro or if they have wireless there
1000 N. Randolph St
2507 N. Franklin Rd
Arlington, VA 22201
Free wireless on Weekdays and
Until 1:00pm on Sat, Sun & Holidays
the food and coffee here is quite good
3211 Wilson Blvd
Jason's Deli
7356 Baltimore Ave. Jason's Deli
College Park - about a 10 min walk from the Metro
Thursday, August 20, 2015
ON VIEW: ART: MURALS: Check out some great Murals throughout DC!
Learn more about Murals DC
Also, see this map on google for Outdoor Art in DC
Walter Pierce Park
2630 Adams Mill Rd, NW - near Ontario Pl
Artist: Aniekan Udofia
3904 14th Street, NW
Artist: Words Beats and Life
314 Carroll Street, NW
Artist: Words Beats and Life
907 Barry Pl NW
Artist: Albus Cavus
1320B Good Hope Road, SE
Artist: Helping Inner City Kids Succeed (HICKS)
615 Division Ave, NE
Artist: Ward 7 Arts Collaborative
3904 14th Street, NW
Artist: Words Beats and Life
314 Carroll Street, NW
Artist: Words Beats and Life
907 Barry Pl NW
Artist: Albus Cavus
1320B Good Hope Road, SE
Artist: Helping Inner City Kids Succeed (HICKS)
615 Division Ave, NE
Artist: Ward 7 Arts Collaborative
Friday, May 22, 2015
ON VIEW: ART: Enjoy Art on View, as well as Free Workshops, at the Mediation Museum's brand new location in Silver Spring, MD, close to the Forest Glen Metro, Free
Enjoy Art on view and Free Workshops and Events at The Meditation Museum in Silver Spring
Monday - Saturday
Monday - Saturday
11:00am - 6:00pm
and during events in the eve
and during events in the eve
Free, donations welcome
If you haven't been to the Meditation Museum before, this unique space recently moved to a new location in MD, a short walk from the Forest Glen Metro. In addition to the museum space, which features art ranging from pictures, posters, paintings and sculptures, designed to remind us of our true, highest selves and our responsibility to humanity, there are also lots of workshops and events offered at the Meditation Museum that are all free of charge!
To see a list of upcoming free workshops and events at the museum, please visit their website at MeditationMuseum.org. You can also stay connected to the museum and their upcoming events through Meetup, facebook and twitter.
The Meditation Museum
9525 Georgia Avenue, Suite 101 - Silver Spring, MD
Metro: Forest Glen, an easy 8 minute walk north along Georgia Ave
Note: They just moved! Further north in MD but a short walk from the metro, just a few blocks.
To see a list of upcoming free workshops and events at the museum, please visit their website at MeditationMuseum.org. You can also stay connected to the museum and their upcoming events through Meetup, facebook and twitter.
The Meditation Museum
9525 Georgia Avenue, Suite 101 - Silver Spring, MD
Metro: Forest Glen, an easy 8 minute walk north along Georgia Ave
Note: They just moved! Further north in MD but a short walk from the metro, just a few blocks.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
UPCOMING & ONGOING: Weekly: Community Kirtan, Yoga and Meditation select days and times every week at Yoga District locations in DC, Free, donations welcome
Community Meditation, Kirtan & Yoga Classes at Yoga District locations in DC
Free, donations welcome
please note that this schedule is subject to change
Meditation - Evenings
Monday 6:45pm - 7:15pm Dupont
Tuesday 7:00pm - 7:30pm Dupont
Wednesday 7:00pm - 7:30pm Dupont - Pranayama: Breathing
8:15pm - 9:00pm 14th St - Relax, Breathe, Meditate
Thursday 6:45pm - 7:30pm Dupont
Saturday 7:45pm - 8:30pm Dupont
Sunday 6:30pm - 7:05pm 14th St
7:00pm - 8:30pm H St
Meditation - Mornings
Wednesday 7:30am - 8:30am I St
Kirtan: Chanting
Saturday 8:00pm - 9:00pm Bloomingdale
Sunday 12:00pm - 1:00pm H St
Sunday Night 6:30pm - 7:15pm 14th St - Yogic Sleep: Resting Meditation for Stress Relief
6:30pm - 7:15pm Glover Park - Yogic Sleep: Yoga Nidra
Sunday Night 7:15pm - 8:15pm 14th St - Sunday Night with the Sutras: The Yogic Principles
Nonprofit Community Run Yoga Studios
- Glover Park: 2201 Wisconsin Ave, NW - newest studio
- Dupont Circle: 1635 Connecticut Ave, NW, 5th Flr
- U St. Corridor: 1910 14th St, NW, Units 1 & 3
- Bloomingdale: 1830 1st St, NW
- Downtown: 1922 I St, NW, 2nd & 3rd Flrs
- Food and Tea Bar, District Tea, located on the 1st Flr
- H St. Corridor: 526 H St, NE, 2nd Flr
Metro: Please see metro trip-planner for best metro or bus access
Monday, September 29, 2014
PAST: PILATES + YOGA: The Final Free Class in the "Pilates in the Park" series will be Yogalates on TUES, Sept 29 in Farragut Square from 5:30pm - 6:30pm, Thanks to Golden Triangle BID for this series!

Tuesdays Yogalates and Thursdays Pilates
Tuesday, May 5 - Tuesday, September 29
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Free, please bring your own yoga mat
Arrive and check-in by 5:20 p.m. and be entered to win special prizes.
Final Class of the Series!
Tuesday, September 29 - Yogalates
Join the Golden Triangle BID every Tuesday and Thursday evening this spring for free Pilates and Yogalates class in Farragut Square Park. Instruction will be provided by certified Pilates and Yogalates instructors. Bring your own mat and enjoy these fun and relaxing after work exercise sessions with the Golden Triangle BID.
Farragut Square Park
Connecticut and K Streets, NW (map)
Metro: Farragut North or Farragut West or take the Circulator or a bus along K or I St
PAST: Banned Book Club event at the National Museum of Women in the Arts TUES, Sept 29 at 5:30pm, Free

TICKETPLACE.org is another great program where you can find discount tickets to performances throughout metro DC @TICKETPLACEDC on twitter and at TICKETPLACE.org.
Early Eve - Book event at the NMWA - Metro Center
Banned Book Club: Mrs. Dalloway
Light refreshments will be served. BYOB (Bring Your Own Book)
Join us for an evening of discussion about Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway. Published in 1925 and considered one of the top 50 English-language novels of all time, Mrs. Dalloway weaves two narratives together as each touches on mental health issues, homosexuality and the meaning of life. Celebrate the freedom to read during Banned Books Week at NMWA. In conjunction with the museum’s Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center Library and Research Center exhibition Vanessa Bell’s Hogarth Press Designs.
National Museum of Women in the Arts
1250 New York Ave, NW
Metro: Metro Center, use the 13th St exit and up two blocks to NY Ave or take one of many buses that go to 13th & H St
See the "Free in DC" Inside Out page on CultureCapital.com for more free events
1250 New York Ave, NW
Metro: Metro Center, use the 13th St exit and up two blocks to NY Ave or take one of many buses that go to 13th & H St
See the "Free in DC" Inside Out page on CultureCapital.com for more free events
Saturday, September 27, 2014
PAST: ARTS FESTIVAL: Come on out to FIGMENT DC! Free, Family-Friendly, Volunteer-Run, Burning Man inspired Interactive Arts Festival SUN, Sept 27 from 11:00am - 5:00pm in Anacostia Park, Section E
This Weekend! FIGMENT DC - a Two-Day Interactive Arts Festival
This year the festival will be back at Anacostia Park
FIGMENT is a festival designed to bring imagination to life. There will be all kinds of art forms and activities, and you are encouraged to bring your own as well! FIGMENT is the perfect time to play make-believe (for both kids & adults!) so feel free to dress up in whatever creative costume or outfit you want! You can also bring along toys: Hula hoops, poi, croquet sets, knitting, water guns, games – anything that you want to play with or invite others to join you in!
Dogs are welcome if they are friendly, but must be kept on a leash. Please clean up after your pooch! Have Roller skates? Bring them if you like, there is a covered roller rink on site! Feel free to come on your bike and consider decorating it with streamers, lights, fake fur, or other art, Burning Man style!
This year the festival will be back at Anacostia Park
Saturday, September 26 & Sunday, September 27
11:00am - 5:00pm
Family-friendly, Free!
view and share the facebook invite and follow FIGMENT on facebook
Read more about what to expect and see festival map! See pics from past events! Check out the flickr album from years past to get a sense of the space and what to expect. Pictures really do say a lot about this festival.
FIGMENT DC is a free, two-day event that will transform the beautiful outdoor space of Anacostia Park into a magical, colorful playground! Adults and kids are invited to come out and play! Create, and learn with and from your neighbors and help to transform this beautiful urban park into a magical, family-friendly, artists' wonderland! Come out with your games, colorful outfits and smiles, because you help to create FIGMENT.
“FIGMENT is an opportunity for our DC community to come together and enjoy art in all its forms,” says Patty Simonton, director of FIGMENT DC 2015. “Unlike most art galleries in Washington, FIGMENT erases the lines between those who create and those who view art so that everyone can become an artist. DC really does have a thriving, creative arts community and this event brings that artistic energy out to a broad audience.”
Inspired by Burning Man and keeping with the Burner principles, nothing is for sale and there is no corporate sponsorship. Again this year, over 40 local DC and DMV area artists will present collaborative art projects and events at FIGMENT DC, ranging across diverse media including music, sculpture, visual art and mixed media, earth works, dance and movement, and story-telling. This year Camp Contact might have some Acro Yoga and Contact Improv going on Sunday, possibly on Saturday as well.
view and share the facebook invite and follow FIGMENT on facebook
Read more about what to expect and see festival map! See pics from past events! Check out the flickr album from years past to get a sense of the space and what to expect. Pictures really do say a lot about this festival.
FIGMENT DC is a free, two-day event that will transform the beautiful outdoor space of Anacostia Park into a magical, colorful playground! Adults and kids are invited to come out and play! Create, and learn with and from your neighbors and help to transform this beautiful urban park into a magical, family-friendly, artists' wonderland! Come out with your games, colorful outfits and smiles, because you help to create FIGMENT.
“FIGMENT is an opportunity for our DC community to come together and enjoy art in all its forms,” says Patty Simonton, director of FIGMENT DC 2015. “Unlike most art galleries in Washington, FIGMENT erases the lines between those who create and those who view art so that everyone can become an artist. DC really does have a thriving, creative arts community and this event brings that artistic energy out to a broad audience.”
Inspired by Burning Man and keeping with the Burner principles, nothing is for sale and there is no corporate sponsorship. Again this year, over 40 local DC and DMV area artists will present collaborative art projects and events at FIGMENT DC, ranging across diverse media including music, sculpture, visual art and mixed media, earth works, dance and movement, and story-telling. This year Camp Contact might have some Acro Yoga and Contact Improv going on Sunday, possibly on Saturday as well.
FIGMENT is a festival designed to bring imagination to life. There will be all kinds of art forms and activities, and you are encouraged to bring your own as well! FIGMENT is the perfect time to play make-believe (for both kids & adults!) so feel free to dress up in whatever creative costume or outfit you want! You can also bring along toys: Hula hoops, poi, croquet sets, knitting, water guns, games – anything that you want to play with or invite others to join you in!
Dogs are welcome if they are friendly, but must be kept on a leash. Please clean up after your pooch! Have Roller skates? Bring them if you like, there is a covered roller rink on site! Feel free to come on your bike and consider decorating it with streamers, lights, fake fur, or other art, Burning Man style!
FIGMENT DC is a participatory festival that is volunteer run, non-profit and non-commercial. FIGMENT started in New York City and now takes place in a bunch of others cities. Learn more about the history of FIGMENT here and read more about the FIGMENT principles, which are very similar to the Burning Man Principles, here. FIGMENT is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization entirely funded by grants and individual donations. FIGMENT accepts no corporate sponsorship of any kind.
Note also that this is a “Leave No Trace” event, inspired by the Ten Burning Man Principles. While trash and recycling receptacles will be on-site, they ask you all that if you bring it in with you, please carry it out. This includes cigarette butts, which fit quite well in a small metal box in your pocket.
Another principle they are asking attendees to be aware of is Decommodification, which means that the festival is run without any commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. As this is a non-commercial event, there will not be any concessions of any kind on site. Please come prepared with your own water, snacks and refreshments! The event will have porta-potties/restrooms. Please refrain from bringing any grills, alcohol and drugs. Please do bring your curiosity, playfulness, an open mind and your creative spirit!
Anacostia Park is a beautiful urban park along the east side of the Potomac River in DC. Conveniently located near the Potomac Ave and Anacostia Metro stations, the North Field is accessible from bike paths and I-395. There is some parking on site. If you are driving there, please review the directions to get to the park, as we know that GPS systems can frequently be wrong.
If you want to attend and don't own a bike, there is Capital BikeShare station right at the Potomac Ave Metro station but there is not one at the park so you can either keep the bike with you and pay for time or drop it at the closest station, at Pennsylvania & Minnesota Ave SE, which is still about a 15 minute walk from the park. If you don't want to walk from the metro, it should be a short, and affordable taxi ride, especially if you share it with others.
Anacostia Park Section E (see map)
Note also that this is a “Leave No Trace” event, inspired by the Ten Burning Man Principles. While trash and recycling receptacles will be on-site, they ask you all that if you bring it in with you, please carry it out. This includes cigarette butts, which fit quite well in a small metal box in your pocket.
Anacostia Park is a beautiful urban park along the east side of the Potomac River in DC. Conveniently located near the Potomac Ave and Anacostia Metro stations, the North Field is accessible from bike paths and I-395. There is some parking on site. If you are driving there, please review the directions to get to the park, as we know that GPS systems can frequently be wrong.
If you want to attend and don't own a bike, there is Capital BikeShare station right at the Potomac Ave Metro station but there is not one at the park so you can either keep the bike with you and pay for time or drop it at the closest station, at Pennsylvania & Minnesota Ave SE, which is still about a 15 minute walk from the park. If you don't want to walk from the metro, it should be a short, and affordable taxi ride, especially if you share it with others.

at the Anacostia Park Skating Pavilion
Metro: Anacostia or Potomac Ave. It's 1.2 miles from the Potomac Ave Metro, and a lovely walk over the Pennsylvania Ave bridge, see walking map. If you're biking, google recommends a slightly different bike route from the metro - yes, you can take your bike on the metro at no extra cost. There’s a bike trail to follow, but please keep an eye out for traffic! After you cross the bridge, turn left onto the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail before you get to 295, then turn right onto the path along the river. Look for a large covered pavilion – it’s the roller rink, and it’s hard to miss!
PAST: FESTIVAL: Final Day of the Washington City Paper's Annual "Crafty Bastards" Arts & Crafts Fair outside of Union Market near the NoMa Metro SUN, Sept 27 from 10:00am - 5:00pm, $5

Saturday, September 26 & Sunday, September 27
10:00am - 5:00pm
$5 one day pass, $8 for both
you can buy tickets online here!
Now in its 12th year, Crafty Bastards Arts & Crafts Fair is an exhibition and sale of handmade alternative arts and crafts from independent artists presented by the Washington City Paper. Crafty Bastards 2015 will feature 170+ vendors. One day passes are just $5, but a some different crafters will be coming on Sunday so you might want to buy the two day pass for $8. Connect with Crafty Bastards on twitter, facebook, flickr and Pinterest and check out the FAQ page to learn more!you can buy tickets online here!
Union Market
1309 5th St NE
Metro: NoMA-Gallaudet U, exit on to Florida Ave, turn right on Florida, left on 5th Street NE. The Market will be on your left. From the metro, it's about 12 minutes (see map)
Thursday, August 28, 2014
PAST: JAZZ: Weekly: The Final "Jazz in theGarden" of the Summer will feature Afro Bop at the National Gallery ofArt Sculpture Garden on FRI, August 28 from 5:00pm - 8:30pm, Live Jazzevery Friday through FRI, August 28
Jazz in the Garden during the Summer every Friday night in the NGA Sculpture Garden
Friday, May 22 - Friday, August 28
Free, weather permitting
Please see @ngadc on twitter for show updates related to weather
Final Jazz in the Garden of the Summer! Friday, August 28
Afro Bop Alliance plays Afro-Cuban Jazz
National Gallery of Art - Sculpture Garden
between 7th & 9th St, NW- Constitution Ave & Madison Dr, NW (see map)
Metro: Archives - Navy Memorial or take the S2 bus that runs along 16th St to the final stop, walk to Constitution Ave and turn left, walk a block or so, park is on the right side.
Friday, May 22 - Friday, August 28
5:00pm - 8:30pm
Please see @ngadc on twitter for show updates related to weather
The free series features an array of jazz artists performing a range of styles--including salsa, blusion, vibraphone, and Afrofunk--every Friday evening from 5:00 to 8:30 at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden, rain or shine. Food and drinks are available for purchase at the cafe. Coolers and alcohol are not allowed. You can purchase some alcoholic beverages, such as pitchers of sangria, at the cafe. Best to bring a blanket along if you want to sit on the grass.
Final Jazz in the Garden of the Summer! Friday, August 28
Afro Bop Alliance plays Afro-Cuban Jazz
National Gallery of Art - Sculpture Garden
between 7th & 9th St, NW- Constitution Ave & Madison Dr, NW (see map)
Metro: Archives - Navy Memorial or take the S2 bus that runs along 16th St to the final stop, walk to Constitution Ave and turn left, walk a block or so, park is on the right side.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
PAST: ROCK OPERA: The Premiere Performance of "99 A Rock Opera" will take place at the Black Cat on FRI, August 14 at 9:00pm, $10
99 A Rock Opera live at the Black Cat
Friday, August 14
Friday, August 14
Created by DC area artists and composed by Mark Baughman, 99 A Rock Opera tells of a protest story. Using dramatic lyrics, heavy rock-n-roll, dancing and multi-media, in the tradition of “Tommy” by The Who. Taking it’s inspiration straight from the headlines, the rock opera asks: Can well-meaning people work out their differences, or even coexist? Are they are compelled to join one side or another and fight for people and institutions that are barely know?
Get a sense of what you're in store for at the premiere event by watching and listening to some of the pieces that will be featured in the performance here! The show will ultimately be a full blown staged musical (a la Tommy and Rent) but now it's the concert version in which we're experimenting with slides, video, narration and dance.
Short Synopsis: A middle aged engineer working for the Department of Environment in Cleveland, Ohio, tasked with managing a group of protesters (who are the “99ers”) discovers that the leader of the 99ers is his college flame. Thrilled to see her after all these years, he is crushed by her rebuke that he is a sell-out. Other characters add more complexities to this story, including others who are at the protest and the wife of the engineer who has been hiding her illness, and those who are part of the opposition.
Short Synopsis: A middle aged engineer working for the Department of Environment in Cleveland, Ohio, tasked with managing a group of protesters (who are the “99ers”) discovers that the leader of the 99ers is his college flame. Thrilled to see her after all these years, he is crushed by her rebuke that he is a sell-out. Other characters add more complexities to this story, including others who are at the protest and the wife of the engineer who has been hiding her illness, and those who are part of the opposition.
DC Dogs is a performing arts troupe featuring vocal performances from male and female voices. This performance was composted by Mark Baughman, who is also featured on guitar and vocals. He is joined by Dave Benson on bass and vocals, George Cranford on drums and Sue Sedmak featuring on vocals, guitar, and keyboards. Additional credits: Jonathan Zack, Director, Producer and vocals. Betsy Muller, designer and vocals.
1811 14th St NW
Metro: U St, walk to the left one block on U St to 14th St and turn left on 14th and walk about one and a half blocks, keep on the left side of the street. You can also take the Circulator bus to 14th & U.
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